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Last call to register for the Synchronisation Assembly meeting on 28.2 in Brussels

  • Creator
  • #119925

    Dear Colleagues,
    If you plan to attend the SyA meeting on the 28.2 but you have not registered yet, please register ASAP through the link:
    Registration closes on Monday 20.2 at noon CET! We can only guarantee refreshments and food for this who have registered!
    Synchronisation Assembly meeting on Tuesday 28 February 2017
    Time: 09:00 – 16:00 CET
    Location: Meeting Room Strasbourg, Science14, Rue de la Science, 14b – Brussels ( )
    Ways RDA / RDA Europe can contribute to the EOSCpilot governance and ecosystem (i.e. interaction mechanisms)
    Definition of standards to be used by EOSC services (c.f. the “rules of engagement”)
    Provision of education and training on services (c.f. the shortage of 500K data scientists)
    Provision of social bridges related to the above (ie at RDA plenaries and other meetings)
    Ensuring EOSC fits with global initiatives (c.f. “open to the world”)
    EOSCpilot web site ( ) with some information
    09:00 Review of agenda and the goals of the meeting
    09:05 Introduction
    Tour de table: introductions and expectations for the meeting
    Presentations on current state and activities in RDA Global
    09:15 The future and challenges for RDA Global (Mark Parsons)
    09:35 The RDA Council (Doris Wedlich)
    09:45 The TAB (Francoise Genova)
    09:55 – 10:30 Discussion
    10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break and networking
    11:00 – 12:30 Discussion of how RDA can contribute with input for the EOSCpilot
    EOSC Governance (stakeholder driven governance framework) – Per Öster
    EOSC services architecture – Donatella Castelli
    EOSC Research and Data Interoperability – Niklas Blomberg
    EOSC Skills (open data science skills framework) – Kevin Ashley
    12:30 – 13:30 Lunch and networking
    13:30 – 15:30
    Time for presentations from participants of what they see as the most important support activities for a fruitful RDA/RDA Europe collaboration with EOSCpilot. If possible structure your contributions into these categories:
    Yuri Demchenko – RDA IG/WGs related to education & training and related activities can do a lot to solve the shotage of data scientists.
    Wolfram Horstmann – About how Long-Tail Data and Libraries could be involved in EOSC.
    15:30 Sum-up and planning actions (Juan/Leif)
    16:00 Close
    Best wishes,

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