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Your Ambassadors’ contracts

  • Creator
  • #108776

    Ilaria Fava

    Dear Ambassadors,
    I want to apologise for the long time it is taking to have your contracts ready.
    However, I am quite confident we at UGOE will be able to send you individually the draft in the coming days.
    Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with my colleague Katharina (***@***.*** or me if you have questions or need any clarifications.
    Kind regards and have a nice week,
    Ilaria Fava
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Göttingen State and University Library
    Project Officer for EOSCpilot, OpenAIRE and RDA EU
    Email: ***@***.***

  • Author
  • #130492

    Dear Ilaria and Katharina,
    Any news regarding contracts?
    When can we expect them to be setup and sent ?
    Many thanks,
    Nikola Vasiljević
    Research Data Alliance Ambassador
    ResearcherID: L-4445-2016
    ORCID: 0000-0002-9381-9693
    Mobile: +45 5180 1452
    Email: ***@***.***
    DTU Wind Energy
    Frederiksborgvej 399
    Building 125
    4000 Roskilde
    On 13/05/2019, 09.05, “fava=***@***.*** on behalf of ifava” wrote:
    Dear Ambassadors,
    I want to apologise for the long time it is taking to have your contracts ready.
    However, I am quite confident we at UGOE will be able to send you individually the draft in the coming days.
    Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with my colleague Katharina (***@***.*** or me if you have questions or need any clarifications.
    Kind regards and have a nice week,
    Ilaria Fava
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Göttingen State and University Library
    Project Officer for EOSCpilot, OpenAIRE and RDA EU
    Email: ***@***.***

  • #130490

    Dear Nikola, all,
    Unfortunately the delay with preparing contracts is longer than expected, but we are in the process of closing the final points on the legal side. We hope to come back to you with more news in the next week or two.
    All best,

  • #130489

    Thanks Daniel!
    Nikola Vasiljević
    Research Data Alliance Ambassador
    ResearcherID: L-4445-2016
    ORCID: 0000-0002-9381-9693
    Mobile: +45 5180 1452
    Email: ***@***.***
    DTU Wind Energy
    Frederiksborgvej 399
    Building 125
    4000 Roskilde
    On 08/07/2019, 14.00, “bangert=***@***.*** on behalf of danielbangert” wrote:
    Dear Nikola, all,
    Unfortunately the delay with preparing contracts is longer than expected, but we are in the process of closing the final points on the legal side. We hope to come back to you with more news in the next week or two.
    All best,

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