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CODATA Data Science Journal Special RDA Collection – deadline 15 April 2020

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  • #105272

    Timea Biro

    Dear all,
    We wanted to send you a quick reminder about the CODATA Data Science Journal Special RDA Collection Call for papers and its upcoming deadline, the 15th of April.
    The CODATA Data Science Journal special collection aims to gather and promote research results and outcomes stemming from the Research Data Alliance activities. In particular, it collects high quality papers describing the latest results of RDA working groups (WGs) or interest groups (IGs) focusing particularly on use cases that highlight the added value of the RDA solutions for different challenges related to research data sharing and management. The RDA Europe 4.0 project supports the publication of the articles in this collection by covering the APC fees.
    Please note that funding is available for articles submitted by the 15th of April.
    To find our more, please view
    Please feel free to share this with your communities.
    Many thanks,

    Timea Biro | Project Manager, Digital Repository of Ireland
    Royal Irish Academy | 19 Dawson St. Dublin 2
    ***@***.*** | @dri_ireland |
    The Academy is subject to the FOI Act 2014, the Data Protection Acts 1988-2003 and 2018, GDPR (EU 2016/679) and S.I. No. 336/2011, EC Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations. For further information see our website

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