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New merged/structured doc for Good practice for research software

  • Creator
  • #104340

    Sandra Gesing

    Dear all,
    The current 2-pager with recommendations for researchers, the
    recommendations for policy makers and funders as well as the decision tree
    are merged into one document.
    Please start to comment here.
    We suggest having one document to work on the consistency of the content
    between the different sections and cross-referencing. The timeline for the
    overall RDA WG document has changed (see table below) and there will also
    be a structure change for the document.
    We won’t have space for the long version of the 2-pager in the official RDA
    document. Some of the comments in the long version are already integrated
    in the 2-pager (please see new order of recommendations). The goal for the
    long version is to publish it as white paper or extend it to a journal
    paper after the RDA document is finalized in June.
    Since writing on the long version is delayed by a month, calls for
    organizing do not seem to be necessary in the next four weeks;-) I will
    pick this up next month.
    There is a meeting of the whole RDA COVID group in about three hours and
    resulting from our last meeting a major topic will be authorship and
    Fotis and Hugh will follow up with more news after the meeting.
    12 May 10:00am UTC
    Newly structured document is circulated to subWGs, based on 3rd release
    14 May
    Ed team work to refine the text in what is now called ‘Foundational
    14 May 10pm UTC
    Deadline for subWGs to finish sections for 4th release using new document
    15 May
    Editorial team finalises, and publishes 4th Release
    16-21 May
    Groups work on final draft (5th release); Ed team again refines Sec 2 &
    other changes needed
    21 May 10pm UTC
    Deadline for subWGs to finish sections for Final/5th release
    Th 21 May – Tu 26
    Editorial team works on the Final/5th release
    Th 28 May
    Final draft (5th) released for comment
    28 May – 8 June
    Community comment and feedback (10 days)
    Sandra Gesing
    Associate Research Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Computational Scientist, Center for Research Computing
    University of Notre Dame

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