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Good practice for research software – long version

  • Creator
  • #104463

    Sandra Gesing

    Dear all,
    In collaboration with Michelle, Fotis and Hugh, I start to coordinate the
    writing of the long version
    the 2-pager of Good practice for research software. The next meeting
    is on *Tuesday,
    May 5th at 20:00 UTC* (link to local time here
    The long version is intended to align closely with the 2 pager and provide
    more details. The 2 pager will be revised every week until the final draft
    release on 22 May and the final release is planned for 12 June. I aim at a
    biweekly schedule for the draft of the long version instead of a weekly
    update. The timeline for the long version is copied at the beginning of the
    document and below.
    I’ll work by today on integrating the current comments and keeping it
    balanced with the 2 pager. Please add any comments in the long version you
    would like to have integrated for the Friday version.
    Looking forward to seeing you at the call tomorrow.
    Next round of comments
    8 May 2020
    Final Draft Release
    22 May 2020
    Community comments and feedback period
    22 May – 5 June 2020 (2 weeks)
    Finalisation of Final release
    5 – 12 June 2020 (1 week)
    Guidelines & Recommendations sent for endorsement to RDA Council
    12 June 2020 (2-3 weeks)
    Sandra Gesing
    Associate Research Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Computational Scientist, Center for Research Computing
    University of Notre Dame

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