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Re: [rda-covid19][rda-covid19-socialsciences] RE: [rda-covid19][rda-covid19-socialsciences] Our next weekly…

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  • #104517

    Jorge Clarke

    Hello everyone,
    I would like to mention again the idea of discussing Bias. I’m sorry for
    missing the chance in the last meeting, but I saw that there were already a
    lot of issues to discuss and I didn’t want to take more of your time.
    This short article
    an interesting view of what could be the consequences of biased algorithms
    and databases.
    I think bias is more like a cross-section topic and related with ethics, so
    I’m not so sure where we should include this, if you think we should
    Regarding the DMP discussion, personally I think that if we have the chance
    to encourage the community to do this, we should do it. A DMP could be
    annoying, but is a good practice that could be really beneficial.
    Thinking in the discussion took me to a bigger picture. A lot of what we
    are doing could be understood as recommendations, but they also could be
    understood as “incentives”. I don’t have the answer, but I think it’s
    worthy to think about including or mentioning incentives to (or within) the
    recommendations we are building, like the funny examples you mentioned on
    DMP during the meeting. Is there a possibility of creating nudges to push
    the community into this kind of good practices (like a behavioural
    I whish you all an excellent week-end
    Take good care and enjoy.
    Jorge Andrés Clarke De la Cerda
    PhD in Applied Sciences
    On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 5:17 PM mcneillh via RDA-COVID19 wrote:

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