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Re: [rda-covid19-socialsciences] MNO data

  • Creator
  • #104211

    Jorge Clarke

    Dear all, I hope you are doing well.
    I came across to this topic and I thought it could be interesting to
    share it with you.
    While thinking about the three objectives of the WG, I think that we
    could at least mention as a recommendation that policymakers develop
    mechanisms that allow access to MNO (Mobile Network operators) data in
    pandemic periods, to public research entities, at least. There is a lot of
    rich information in that kind of data base and extremely good insights can
    be obtained with a bit of data science, especially in social sciences.
    So far, the points raised in this direction in the WG document are
    scarce and mainly related to data from apps, and apps related to COVID19.
    While this kind of data is whiteout any doubt very useful, it is somehow
    circuntancial (local, in a space-time window) as it come from apps created
    during the pandemic, so there is no previous information to compare with.
    In this sense, MNO data provides longitudinal information, and allows to
    changes in the behaviour of people, across time and space.
    I haven’t saw any comment about MNO in the document, in any section. May be
    we can discuss about this during the nex meeting.
    Here are two reports
    And an example of what it’s possible to do with this kind of data in
    relation to COVID19
    See you soon.
    Jorge Andrés Clarke De la Cerda
    PhD in Applied Sciences

  • Author
  • #129823

    Hi Jorge
    This is a very nice idea, but at least in Brazil faces many legal barriers because
    of competition across the companies.
    I have seen reports of its usage from the ITU (international tel union), on
    initiatives it conducted in some African countries after the appropriate legal
    arrangements had been made.

  • #129821

    Iryna Kuchma

    Thanks Jorge, Brian and Claudia! This is our current recommendation:
    Big tech companies hold data that can help understand the pandemic better.
    Data sharing policies should facilitate data flows from data holders to the
    scientific community with the goal of protecting citizens’ rights and
    health (Askitas 2018).
    How can we make it stronger?
    And talk to you all at 12pm UTC at,
    the agenda and notes document is here

    Best wishes,
    On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 13:59, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros

  • #129820

    Jorge Clarke

    Thanks you all,
    Brian: I guess I miss that part.
    Anyway, I think we should be more specific. We should use the words
    MNO (Mobile Network Operators) and Social Networks data, for example.
    Claudia: i understand the point, similar issue in Chile. However, nothing
    prevents us from give the recommendation. I’m convinced that MNO data has
    enormous impact potential in Social Sciences and in pandemic situations.
    The two documents I sent are really interesting lecture.
    Iryna: Let me think about this and get back to you.
    Jorge Andrés Clarke De la Cerda
    PhD in Applied Sciences
    On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 1:40 PM Iryna Kuchma via

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