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Re: [rda-covid19-socialsciences] All-WG call frequency

  • Creator
  • #104248

    Iryna Kuchma

    Thanks Katy, yes, the all-WG Tuesday meetings are now fortnightly, there’s
    none tomorrow, and the next ones are on 26 May & 9 June.
    Best wishes,

  • Author
  • #129831

    Thank you Iryna and Katy, I was getting ready for tomorrow.
    See you on Wednesday, BUT – a very interesting fact:
    A new study based on public COVID social sciences data in Brazil shows that a new
    class of vulnerable citizens has appeared here:
    —> white men and women with university education – who work in occupations
    considered as non-essential by the government.
    They are called the “new vulnerable” and compose 46% of the Brazilian work force.
    Moreover, non-essential jobs have many more women than men.
    Thus, a much higher rate of COVID-unemployed women than men.
    “traditionally vulnerable” – non-white, little education – are still more vulnerable
    than the new vulnerable. Black women are the most vulnerable of all.

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