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Invitation to community meeting(s) to kick-off CURE-FAIR WG, September 10, 2020

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  • #103318

    Limor Peer

    The CURE-FAIR WG is inviting members and interested groups to a community meeting to learn more about our group and how to engage with our goals.
    CURE-FAIR is focused on the curation practices that support computational reproducibility and FAIR principles. As our case statement explains, by curation we refer to activities around maintaining, preserving and adding value to digital research output throughout its lifecycle. By computational reproducibility, we mean the ability to use data and code to repeat the analysis and arrive at the same results (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019). The goal of the CURE-FAIR WG is to establish guidelines for curating for reproducible data and code and to improve FAIR-ness and long-term usability of “reproducible file bundles” across domains. 
    We will be conducting two community meetings via Zoom on September 10th (to accommodate various time zones) and invite you to join:

    Thursday, 10 September 2020, 7am EDT (11:00 UTC) REGISTER
    Thursday, 10 September 2020, 6pm EDT (22:00 UTC) REGISTER

    At the meeting we will introduce our work so far, describe the outputs we plan to produce, and present opportunities for community input and engagement. We will devote some time to a discussion of how our work can most effectively proceed in the context of ongoing RDA activities.
    We are grateful to the RDA Council for recognizing and endorsing the CURE-FAIR WG and are very excited to move forward. We look forward to collaborating with you!
    Please join the CURE-FAIR WG for regular updates, and feel free to contact any of us at any time.
    CURE-FAIR WG co-chairs
    Florio Arguillas, Thu-Mai Christian, Anthony Juehne, Limor Peer

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