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Fwd: [CODATA-international] #WeMissiPRES: Call for Participation – Submissions by 19th August 2020

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    Amy Pienta

    Hi all,
    I am sharing this invitation because I think it would be great if we
    submitted a proposal for a presentation for iPRES. Iryna added this to our
    to discuss for next week. But, if you are interested and unable to attend
    please indicate in a comment or note to us.
    Amy Pienta, PhD
    Research Scientist and Director, Business and Collection Development
    ICPSR , University of Michigan, Ann
    Arbor, MI
    ICPSR holds a 2019 National Medal for Museum and Library Science
    Ready to Deposit Data at
    ———- Forwarded message ———
    From: Strathmann, Stefan
    Date: Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 3:45 AM
    Subject: [CODATA-international] #WeMissiPRES: Call for Participation –
    Submissions by 19th August 2020
    To: ***@***.***
    ***Apologies for cross-posting***
    22,23,24 September 2020
    The global digital preservation community is cordially invited to submit
    proposals for a programme of talks and presentations on 22nd, 23rd and 24th
    September – a celebration of iPRES and digital preservation.
    #WeMissiPRES is online so it can facilitate contributions from around the
    world where distance might inhibit participation, or from early career
    professionals who might not normally be able to afford travel and
    registration fees.
    All are welcome.
    #WeMissiPRES is not a conference. This invitation is generic, the proposed
    themes are expansive and the review process lightweight. There will be no
    ‘papers’ in the formal sense and nor will there be a weighty edited volume
    of proceedings. Think of this not so much as a call for papers as an
    invitation to sustain our discussions and keep us connected, until the time
    is right for a fully-fledged conference again. It’s more like a fringe
    festival or a coffee shop conversation!
    #WeMissiPRES is a collaboration and celebration of iPRES and all the
    digital preservation progress that has been made since the last gathering.
    To ignite the conversation, we have identified three themes:
    * Picking up the threads of 2019
    #WeMissiPRES falls more or less on the anniversary of iPRES in
    Amsterdam in September 2019. It has been a year which few could have
    anticipated. What has happened with all the great insights and plans we
    shared then? Themes about the role of archives in structural inequalities,
    the sociology of digital technologies and the preservation of open source
    intelligence were particularly prominent in the 2019 discussions, and a
    whole slew of projects, technologies, use cases and solutions were
    showcased. How have they fared considering the many upheavals of 2020?
    * The Best of Digital Preservation, 2020
    #WeMissiPRES gives us a chance to celebrate the best of digital
    preservation this year. That’s partly about how the digital preservation
    community has responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic, but also the economic
    crises, the social movements, and ecological traumas of the year. The
    biennial International Digital Preservation Awards also take place in 2020,
    and the global digital preservation community is invited to participate.
    Despite the gloom and worry there’s a lot to celebrate! #WeMissiPRES gives
    us an opportunity to do that.
    * Digital Preservation in 2021
    #WeMissiPRES gives us a chance to consider the near future,
    relating digital preservation to the ‘new normal’. Let’s face it, 2020 has
    been so disrupted that at times we’ve all struggled to plan to the end of
    the week, let alone to plan the long term of our digital infrastructures.
    This conversation is urgent. Will it be ‘business as usual’ when we get
    back to work? Or will the return to normality mean going ‘back to the
    (unknown) future’? How do we capitalize on the successes we have
    demonstrated? What new challenges have arisen unseen? So we welcome
    reflections on actual events that have changed the world, and how digital
    preservation will have to accommodate them; and all other ideas about the
    future of digital preservation. One thing is certain, however: #WeMissiPRES
    also gives us a chance to relaunch and update plans for iPRES in 2021. So
    we will take this opportunity to give at least one small taste of the iPRES
    in 2021.
    Presentations that encourage audience participation or introduce dialogue
    between two or more individuals are particularly encouraged. And we expect
    short presentations to be no more than about 10 minutes long – there will
    also be an opportunity for lightning talks.
    Read the Call for Participation in full and submit your proposal by 19th
    August 2020.

    Stefan Strathmann
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    Göttingen State and University Library
    D-37070 Göttingen
    Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1 (Central Library, Room 2.19)
    +49 551 39-7806 (Tel.)
    Papendiek 14 (Historical Building, Room 2.425)
    +49 551 39-13454 (Tel.)
    +49 551 39-33856 (Fax)
    CODATA-international mailing list

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