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Draft Social Sciences Guidelines for Comment

  • Creator
  • #104656

    Amy Pienta

    Dear Colleagues,
    We want to start by thanking you for all of your comments, discussion, and
    contributions to date. The good news is that we have produced a draft set
    of guidelines as we hoped!
    As many of you know, the co-chairs have asked groups to submit a short
    version of recommendations that they will use to produce an overarching set
    of draft guidelines and we can then link to the longer draft.
    Please see our short recommendations here:
    And a longer Guidelines document that provides more details and context is
    Both documents are open for comments from our group.
    Please hold next Thursday at 11 am UTC for a sub-group meeting (a meeting
    link will be sent). After the full RDA COVID-19 WG meeting on Tuesday, we
    will decide if we will hold a Thursday meeting or not depending on what
    next steps are required of us.
    Thank you and have a nice weekend!
    Best wishes,
    Iryna and Amy
    Amy Pienta, PhD
    Research Scientist and Director, Business and Collection Development
    ICPSR , University of Michigan, Ann
    Arbor, MI
    ICPSR holds a 2019 National Medal for Museum and Library Science
    Ready to Deposit Data at

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