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RDA COVID 19 Legal-Ethical – Meeting 30 April 20.30 UTC

  • Creator
  • #104521

    Anne Cambon-Thomsen

    Dear members of the RDA COVID 19 Legal-Ethical sub-group,
    Welcome in this COVID-19 sub-group, and thank you for your interest and
    motivation. Here are a set of information regarding our work.
    1) We have a second meeting today 30 April at 8.30 PM UTC (early morning
    1 May for our Australian colleagues);
    link to join is :
    The full connection information, also if joining by phone is below this
    2) The tentative agenda for the today meeting (you can add to it, bu it
    is already busy) and the Agenda and notes of the first meeting held the
    27 April are here in our sub-group rolling agenda-minutes google
    document :
    3) The draft document of the sub-group (google doc) set up after the
    fisrt meeting and that some of you have started to populate is here :
    4) If you wish to join the zotero group for contributing/annotating
    resources and have not yet done so you can get included by adding your
    name to the ZOTERO GROUP MEMBER LIST (link below) :
    As a matter of fact, the RDA COVID-19 zotero web file is not public yet
    until it has been properly populated an curated; the documents referred
    to there are the basis of the recommendations we formulate.
    5) Attached to this mail and already sent with the mail below, sent by
    Alexander Bernier yesterday to the list we had before the official
    creation of the sub-group (sorry for cross-posting to some of you).
        * The first document is a proposed structure for the guidelines /
    output of our Sub-Working Group. The document draws from the suggestions
    in the kick off teleconference  of 27 April, and contributions to the
    shared Google Doc since then. We look forward to further refining the
    proposed output in the coming days.
        * The second document is a draft ontology composed by Brian
    Pickering that proposes tags and sub-tags for assigning Zotero labels to
    resources based on their ethical and legal content in a streamlined way.
    The guidance you have composed thus far and until Friday morning (CET)
    in the shared Google Drive will serve as the foundation of these
    documents, to be refined by your further contributions.
    All useful documents produced will be made accessible to the group in
    the webpage folders of the sub-group later on :
    Co-chair assigned:  Anne Cambon-Thomsen
    Moderator(s): Alexander Bernier
    , John Brian
    Email: ***@***.***
    *RDA COVID WG*Legal-ethical sub-group, meeting information:
    *Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.*
    *You can also dial in using your phone.*
    United States:+1 (312) 757-3117
    *Access Code:903-049-133*
    *More phone numbers*
    Australia:+61 2 8355 1038
    Austria:+43 7 2081 5337
    Belgium:+32 28 93 7002
    Canada:+1 (647) 497-9373
    Denmark:+45 32 72 03 69
    Finland:+358 923 17 0556
    France:+33 170 950 590
    Germany:+49 892 0194 301
    Ireland:+353 15 295 146
    Italy:+39 0 291 29 46 27
    Netherlands:+31 202 251 001
    New Zealand:+64 9 913 2226
    Norway:+47 21 93 37 37
    Spain:+34 932 75 1230
    Sweden:+46 853 527 818
    Switzerland:+41 225 4599 60
    United Kingdom:+44 808 178 0872
    New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
    ——– Message transféré ——–
    Sujet : RDA COVID 19 Legal-Ethical
    Date : Wed, 29 Apr 2020 23:12:42 +0000
    De : Alexander Bernier
    Pour : Timea Biro , ***@***.***
    , ***@***.***
    , ***@***.***
    , ***@***.***
    , Mark Taylor ,
    , ***@***.***
    , ***@***.*** ,
    ***@***.*** ,
    ***@***.*** ,
    ***@***.*** ,
    ***@***.*** ,
    ***@***.*** , Gauthier Chassang
    , ***@***.***
    , ***@***.***

    Copie à : Pickering J.B. , Anne
    Dear colleagues,
    Thank you for all of your hard work and your contributions to the RDA
    COVID 19 Legal-Ethical Google Document
    and for your active participation in the Zoom call earlier this week.
    Your enthusiasm to contribute, breadth of expertise, and wealth of
    knowledge have been instrumental in composing such a robust document in
    so little time.
    I am writing to you on behalf of Anne, Brian and myself, to circulate a
    number of links and documents in preparation of our Zoom meeting
    tomorrow at 8:30 PM UTC. I have copied the Zoom link here:
    Find attached two helpful documents.
    The first document is a proposed structure for the guidelines / output
    of our Working Group composed by Anne, Brian and I. The document draws
    from your suggestions on this Monday’s teleconference and contributions
    to the shared Google Doc. The structure is by no means final, and we
    look forward to further refining the proposed output in the coming days.
    The second document is a draft ontology composed by Brian that proposes
    tags and sub-tags for assigning Zotero labels to resources based on
    their ethical and legal content in a streamlined way.
    Regarding the output of this group, we propose releasing a first draft
    guidance document with general and jurisdiction-neutral practical
    guidance on ethico-legal aspects of COVID-19 data sharing *Friday May
    8th 2020. *
    Further, we propose a second document outlining a series of broader
    policy recommendations for the future with no definite release date as
    of yet.
    The guidance you have composed thus far in the shared Google Drive will
    serve as the foundation of these documents, to be refined by your
    further contributions.
    I would kindly ask you to sign up to the RDA COVID-19 group if you have
    not yet done so, as it will make it easier for us to send relevant
    documents and communications to you. You can find the relevant web link
    If there is an ethico-legal issue, document, or other aspect of the
    submission with regard to which you would be most interested in leading
    the drafting and editing initiative, please e-mail Anne, Brian, and I
    and let us know. We will be happy to accommodate you.
    Thank you again for all of your hard work. I look forward to seeing you
    on tomorrow’s Zoom discussion, and to further collaboration.
    Wishing you well,

    Dr Anne Cambon-Thomsen
    Directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS
    UMR 1027, Inserm, Univ Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
    Plateforme sociétale genotoul
    Ambassador of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) for health sciences and
    research ethics
    37 allées Jules Guesde  F-31000 Toulouse
    Tel : +33 (0)5 61 14 59 59 Mobile: +33 (0)6 79 41 13 48    Fax : +33
    (0)5 61 14 56 23   Skype: act_pro
    E-mail :




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