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Update RDA COVID-19 Community Participation

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  • #104170

    Timea Biro

    Dear all,
    We wanted to share an update with all the Community Participation subgroup members, in case you did not take part in the update webinar earlier today.
    The RDA COVID-19 group is currently working on the 5th release working doc:… – to be published on the 28th May (apologies, in one of my previous email I mentioned a release on the 22nd but the correct reference for the 5th release is the 28th). There will be a short sanity check editing window upcoming so if you have any comments and suggestions that you’d like us to included/highlight, please let us know.
    We are also collecting the contributors details here:… – we kindly ask all contributors to make sure their name and ORCID number is included (please also check the spelling for the listed ones).
    A glossary of terms/acronyms… – please let us know if there are terms that are not covered but should be from the Community Participation subgroup side.
    For the next steps, please find a detailed release timeline at:
    We thank you very much for the contributions, comments and suggestions.
    Best wishes,
    on behalf of the Community Participation subgroup moderators

    Timea Biro | Project Manager, Digital Repository of Ireland
    Royal Irish Academy | 19 Dawson St. Dublin 2
    ***@***.*** | @dri_ireland |
    The Academy is subject to the FOI Act 2014, the Data Protection Acts 1988-2003 and 2018, GDPR (EU 2016/679) and S.I. No. 336/2011, EC Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations. For further information see our website

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