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Resource Catalogue Submissions – Zotero Use Update

  • Creator
  • #137216

    Mary Uhlmansiek

    Although the RDA-COVID19 WG Zotero Library has been published and released for use, it is important to maintain its utility and keep it up-to-date by adding additional, appropriate resources as they become available in the literature. Please continue to submit your entries for the RDA COVID-19 Resources Catalogue using Zotero. Some important notes:

    • Log your access request in the signup sheet for the RDA COVID-19 Zotero Staging Library, for RDA-COVID19-WG members to add new resources/references to Zotero.
    • Once your access is provisioned, enter your new resources in the Staging Library. Please take care to ensure the reference is entered correctly and completely (e.g. be sure to provide the required metadata, including Author, Title, Year, Item type, Abstract, Publisher, URL) and tagged properly.
    • The Zotero library management team will review the entries for completeness, and when ready, will move them to the production library and delete them from the staging library.
    • See the output details for more information regarding the RDA COVID-19 WG Zotero Library (read access, only). 



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