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FAIR4RS Community Consultation Feb-Mar

  • Creator
  • #102056

    The first combined output of the FAIR4RS working group is now available for community review until 10 March 2021.
    Hello all,
    After our recent FAIR4RS Townhall, we’re pleased to inform you that the first combined output of the FAIR4RS working group is now available. This review document discusses the results of the FAIR4RS subgroups, as well as the paper “Towards FAIR Principles for Research Software (Lamprecht et al. 2020), the 5 recommendations for FAIR software website, and identifies key questions related to defining FAIR for research software. It is now available via Google Docs for community review.
    Your feedback on the questions posed in this report will be used to inform the scope, requirements, and priorities for future outputs of the working group, including its final report. Comments on the discussion presented in the report are also welcomed.
    We plan to use this public document as the main engagement activity in a two week period. It will remain open for collaborators to edit from 24 Feb 2021 until 10 Mar 2021.
    If you are not available for these two weeks, do not hesitate to get in touch with us, we will continue offering opportunities to provide feedback for future activities/outputs of the group. The next stage of the community process will be the drafting of a revised definition of the FAIR principles for research software, and we will post more details on how to get involved via the FAIR4RS mailing list (RDA FAIR4RS WG posts).
    If you require more information please comment to this post.

    Thank you again for your contribution and support,
    FAIR4RS WG Steering Committee

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