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Upcoming webinar (8/11, 12:00 UTC): WorldFAIR Output Webinar Series: Guidelines and Recommendations from Population Health and Urban Health

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  • #97087

    RDA Admin

    Dear Group members, 
    **apologies for cross-posting**
    The following event may be of interest to you: 
    The WorldFAIR webinar series: Guidelines and Recommendations from Population Health and Urban Health
    8 November, 12:00-13:00 UTC
    Register here!
    This webinar will discuss the work of the WorldFAIR Case Studies on Population Health and Urban Health, also covering their recently published reports: 

    Implementation Guidelines for Annotating Population Health Research Data
    Report: Population Health Data Implementation Guide
    This implementation guide describes the way all aspects of the data are made available for use, both within and from outside the INSPIRE Network community, using standard metadata to describe the data. This is an exploration of how generic standards can be used to express the agreed community metadata set.
    Speakers: Jim Todd (LSHM), Keith Tomlin, (LSHM)

    Urban Health Data Mapping and Assessment: Guidelines and Recommendations
    Report: Urban Health Data – Guidelines and Recommendations 
    This report assessed the implementation of FAIR principles within the Urban Health field through two case studies. Then it focuses on the data collection and harmonisation process of health survey data. This allowed the elaboration of consensus on terminologies and procedures that facilitates the use of survey health data in cities for research and action. 
    Speakers: Ana Ortigoza (PAHO), Ran Li (Drexel University)

    More information on the webinar can be found on the event page.

    About the WorldFAIR Project: 
    The WorldFAIR Project sets out to produce recommendations, interoperability frameworks and guidelines for FAIR data assessment. We are running a webinar series aiming to promote and discuss all published and upcoming deliverables and project outputs. The webinars will run from May 2023 to May 2024. They are free to attend. You can find out more about upcoming webinars and catch up with the event recordings on the dedicated webpage on the WorldFAIR website.

    Kind regards, 
    Alex Delipalta 
    On behalf of the WorldFAIR Project webinar organisers

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