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RDA Plenary 19 [Part of IDW 2022]: Invitation to attend the session “Finalising guidelines for FAIR adoption in health research performing organisations”

  • Creator
  • #99462

    Dear group members,
    We would like to encourage you to join the session of the WG on Raising
    FAIRness in health data and health research performing organisations
    which we are organising at the RDA 19th Virtual Plenary Meeting, part of
    the International Data Week
    This meeting will primarily demonstrate the work that has been
    undertaken and showcase the outputs that have been generated in the form
    of a set of clear guidelines for the FAIR implementation in health
    research performing organisations (HRPOs), aiming to finalise the work
    of this WG: *”Finalising guidelines for FAIR adoption in health research
    performing organisations”*.
    Our session is scheduled *Wednesday, 22 June 2022 at 00:00 – 01:00 UTC*.
    _Meeting Agenda:_
    1. Introduction and objectives of this meeting.
    2. Background of the WG and results of previous meetings.
    3. Findings from landscape analysis, impact assessment, and community
    4. Presentation of guidelines.
    5. Potential early adopters and next steps.
    Please, let me add that registration is required. There are various
    costs depending on whether you are a student or not. Link here
    We hope it will be of interest to you, the Agenda is very tempting.
    We look forward to seeing you at the Plenary, join us!
    Kind regards,
    S. Venkataraman, Celia Alvarez-Romero, Kristan Kang and Anupama Gururaj
    – the co-chairs.

    *Celia Alvarez Romero, MSc*
    *Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla*
    Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud
    de Sevilla
    Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Centro de Documentación Clínica
    Avda. Manuel Siurot s/n – 41013 SEVILLA
    Tel. +34 *955 013 313 – (313313)* ::: Fax. +34 *955013310 – (313310)*

  • Author
  • #129236

    Dear all,
    This is a kind reminder to invite you to the session we are organizing
    at the RDA 19th Virtual Plenary Meeting, part of the International Data

    to present the results of the WG on Raising FAIRness in health data and
    health research performing organisations
    In order to share knowledge and enrich the results of this RDA WG, we
    ask for your feedback before and during RDA Plenary 19. Our session
    *”Finalising guidelines for FAIR adoption in health research performing
    organisations” *is scheduled in Breakout 4: *Tuesday, 21 June 2022 at
    23:30 – 01:00 UTC*. (PLEASE NOTE: the session starts at 23:30 on 21 June
    and ends at 01:00 next day, 22 June).
    We share with you links to documents where we have collected the results
    of these last years. Please note that these are *drafts*, and that the
    aim is to complete them with your feedback:
    * Landscape analysis

    on FAIR adoption of health research data taking into consideration
    levels of privacy and ethical considerations granted to such data in
    regions around the world.
    * Impact assessment

    on of such restrictions in terms of research, as well as scientific,
    financial and societal impacts.
    * Community survey

    on “Data Sharing and FAIR Data Policy”.
    * Draft FAIR Guidelines for HRPOs

    for implementing FAIR data policy in health research.
    Thank you in advance!
    We look forward to seeing you at the Plenary.
    Kind regards,
    S. Venkataraman, Celia Alvarez-Romero, Kristan Kang and Anupama Gururaj
    – the co-chairs.
    *Celia Alvarez Romero, MSc*
    *Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla*
    Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud
    de Sevilla
    Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Centro de Documentación Clínica
    Avda. Manuel Siurot s/n – 41013 SEVILLA
    Tel. +34 *955 013 313 – (313313)* ::: Fax. +34 *955013310 – (313310)*

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