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[FAIR4Health] Horizon Impact Award 2022 / Letters of support

  • Creator
  • #99727

    Dear RDA WG members.
    From the FAIR4Health project consortium,
    we are going to apply to the Horizon Impact Award 2022
    Between other documents, we need “letters of support” from
    individuals/organizations external to the own consortium and with
    knowledge about the project results and impact. For your information, at
    the end of the email I’m attaching more instructions about these letters.
    *Please find attached a template, we really appreciate if you can
    support us signing a letter.**Please, is it possible for you to
    collaborate with us in this sense? If yes, please, could you complete
    and sign the letter_by Wednesday 6th April 10:00 CET_? Please, adjust
    the content if it is needed.*
    Please, let us know if you have doubts or need more information.
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards.
    “/Participants will have to submit an annex consisting of a letter(s) of
    support from at least one user or user community, showing the importance
    of the research work and how it was used to create concrete benefits for
    the specific user community.The letter(s) of support should not come
    from the spin-offs that projects created themselves, partners or
    consortia members. User community can be a group of people in their
    capacity either as individuals or as professionals that directly and/or
    indirectly benefited from the research results produced by your research
    project. Examples may include but are not limited to hospitals and
    patients that have benefited from the product and/or methodology
    created, governmental organisations that took on board pertinent policy
    recommendations, individuals, local communities and other relevant
    parties that were positively affected by the use of results produced by
    your research project./”

    *Celia Alvarez Romero, MSc*
    *Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla*
    Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud
    de Sevilla
    Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Centro de Documentación Clínica
    Avda. Manuel Siurot s/n – 41013 SEVILLA
    Tel. +34 *955 013 313 – (313313)* ::: Fax. +34 *955013310 – (313310)*


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