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Canceled: RDA HRPO WG Monthly meeting

  • Creator
  • #99950

    Anupama Gururaj

    Dear Members,
    We are canceling the meeting this month since we do not have any major agenda items to discuss. Below are some updates from the group:
    1. The session proposal for the HRPO WG for RDA’s 19th Plenary meeting was submitted on Saturday, Feb 26th. Many thanks to Venkat for taking care of the submission on behalf of the WG.
    2. We are requesting you help to do a final push to solicit community input via the survey –; please distribute as widely as possible to your communities.
    3. Please provide feedback on the landscape document, available here
    Please feel free to reach out to any of us in case you have questions or comments.
    Kind regards,
    Venkat, Celia, Kristan & Anu
    The Group Co-Chairs

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