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Re-connect with the community: updates on national initiatives and career track survey

  • Creator
  • #133914

    Yan Wang

    5 min Opening and Introduction: IG history and updates on co-chairs
    30min Recent national initiatives on professionalising Data Stewardship


    10min Updates from active IG Task Groups

    TG 2 Terminology
    TG3 Data Stewardship models

    30min Mini workshop on IG’s data steward career track survey results
    15min Discussion and Closing 

    Additional links to informative material

    PDS IG webpage 

    PDS IG slack channel 

    PDS IG charter

    RDA-PDS-IG Zenodo Community (

    Link to P14 session

    Link to VP15 session

    Link to VP16 session

    Link to VP17 session

    Link to VP18 session

    Link to VP19 session

    Link to P20 joint session

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Education and Training on Handling of Research Data IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    Overview: Data stewardship and data management are essential research skills. The lack of consensus on the responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and value of data stewards leads to confusion about how data stewardship complements data management. Unclear professional standards and models for data stewardship also hamper the development of a trained, data steward workforce for research institutions. A shared body of knowledge (BOK) for data stewardship professionals has yet to emerge, although dedicated trainings for data stewards are occuring. The various types of data stewardship model are not yet well understood, nor are the unique needs of data stewards as compared to data managers and data privacy professionals who have access to global community supported BOKs, professional networks, and events through associations such as DAMA-I and the IAPP.  
    Scope: With scarce resources to support data stewardship at many institutions, this RDA Interest Group aims to host discussions, support inter-agency collaboration, and foster global teams developing resources that aid in the development, recruitment, and training of data stewards.
    Activity History: After BoF sessions at P14, P15, the RDA-PDS-IG was formally endorsed just after VP16. From 2016-2021, eight areas of interest were identified and advanced by IG members. Progress made in each area varied based on volunteer capacity, interest, and commitment. Initial topics of interest included: 1) a business case for data stewardship, 2) data stewardship terminology, 3) the integration of data stewardship across an organisation, 4) data steward job profiles, 5) training, 6) career tracks, 7) networking and knowledge exchange, and 8) certification. Task group activity occurs between plenaries with varying success depending on the capacity of task team members. Several IG outputs have been recognized as RDA outputs, including the survey report and output data on Current Models of Data Stewardship, Data Stewardship Landscape Initial Report, Data Stewardship Landscape Report Resource Matrix. 
    IG Communications and Engagement: Active group leads and RDA-PDS-IG Co-Chairs meet regularly for progress updates and plenary session planning. Plenary meetings will continue to allow for new members to join. Between Plenaries, RDA-PDS-IG Co-Chairs communicate updates to the public through the RDA Interest Group webpage posts and events ( Regular community-wide communications occur in the open RDA-PDS-IG Slack community and it’s sub-channels for focused work efforts ( Since beginning 2023, monthly IG-wide meetings have been organized by co-chairs to strengthen the community communication. Knowledge sharing also is encouraged through a developing RDA-PDS-IG Zenodo Community ( 

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    Since 2016, the Professionalising Data Stewardship Interest Group (RDA-PDS-IG) has fostered volunteer teams to advance global research community priorities. Simultaneously, national and regional efforts were formed such as the EOSC Data Stewardship Task Forces on Data Stewardship curricula and career paths. There have been also several outputs produced by IG task groups on various aspects of data stewardship. 
    In this session, we will hear a couple of national initiatives on professionalizing Data Stewardship and get an overview on the status of current active task groups (terminology, models and career tracks) within the IG.There will also be a mini workshop to discuss the takeaways from the data steward career track survey and actions that could be taken to make Data Stewardship as a Profession.

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 2, Breakout 3, Breakout 4

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