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IG Preservation Tools, Techniques, and Policies – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting

  • Creator
  • #134383

    Meeting title
    Researcher’s Tools for Attaining Knowledge Preservation (Remote Access Instructions)
    Meeting Location: Commonwealth C
    Collaborative session notes:
    Meeting Agenda
    Results from NSF OAC FAIR Publishing Guidelines workshop (Chemistry): 
    Leah McEwen & Ian Bruno
    Results from NSF Mathematical and Physical Sciences FAIR Hackathon: 
    Mike Hildreth & Natalie Meyers
    Update on FAIR Training for Researchers: 
    Erik Schultes
    — Discussion —
    Updates on Activities: Ruth Duerr

    Updates on Preserving Scientific Annotation WG (PSA-WG): Peter Cornwell

    Report from Data Futures Amsterdam meeting on recommendations for standardizing Annotated Lists
    Pilot projects resulting from RDA P12 PSA-WG BoF meeting 
    Discussion of Oxford Common Filesystem Layout (OCFL) pilot project

    Short introduction describing the scope of the group and if any previous activities 
    This IG is intended to fill a gap in the RDA discussion thus far, which is how to make it easy for researchers to preserve their research results in a way that is beneficial to sharing with others and for further research. These issues are encountered immediately in any discussion with researchers about data sharing or open data. This meeting represents the fifth in a series, with a narrowing of scope of the Preservation Tools Techniques and Policy IG to focus on tools for researchers.

    Previous RDA meetings of this IG have examined various efforts in preservation technology aimed at researchers, including infrastructure like the Open Science Framework, efforts around preserving data in publications (Authorea), the development of new preservation tools (PresQT), among others. We have a close working relationship with the other preservation-related IGs, including Active Data Management Plans, Archives and Records Professionals for Research Data, Chemistry Research Data, Domain Repositories, and Reproducibility, among others. New activities include the incorporation of tools for preservation of scientific annotation of research documents and data resources.
    Additional links to informative material related to the group
    Past material, including the agendas from the sessions in Denver, Barcelona, and Montreal, and further detail on the group charter, can be found linked to the IG working group page:
    Link to 12th Plenary (Gaborone) session:
    Link to 11th Plenary (Berlin) session:
    Link to 10th Plenary (Montreal) session:
    Link to 9th Plenary (Barcelona) session:
    Links back to 8th Plenary (Denver) sessions that started this discussion:

    Other resources:

    POWRR tool grid
    Data Curation Profiles
    OAC FAIR Publishing:
    MPS FAIR Hackathon:

    Meeting Objectives
    This meeting is intended to provide a forum for discussion on Analysis Preservation — how to make it easy for researchers to preserve their research results in a way that is beneficial to sharing with others and for further research. These issues are encountered immediately in any discussion with researchers about data sharing or open data. This meeting represents the fifth in a series, with a narrowing of scope of the Preservation Tools Techniques and Policy IG to focus on tools for researchers. This plenary, we will focus on the outcomes of several different “Making your data FAIR” workshops that have been held for domain scientists, as well as a new project on preserving scientific annotation.

    This meeting will continue the discussions of the previous RDA Plenaries about finding a way to bridge the gap between researchers and repositories. One eventual goal of the group is to provide a set of recommendations in terms of preservation tools and other infrastructure that would facilitate researchers in preparing their results for preservation and re-use.
    Meeting Objectives:

    1. Review lessons learned from discipline-specific FAIR workshops:

    Are there generalizations on necessary tools for researchers?
    What would make these interventions more productive for researchers?

    2. Discuss activities and status of Preserving Scientific Annotation WG (PSA-WG)

    Target audience
    Domain researchers and those who manage domain-specific archives are the primary targets for this meeting. We will review new pilot projects which have been developed as a result of the PSA-WG BoF meeting. A specific recruitment effort will be made to bring research scientists to the Plenary who have not previously attended this type of meeting. We are specifically looking for both exemplars of preservation tools/interfaces and case studies of those that don’t work so well in order to gain a complete picture of the landscape. Those who study knowledge preservation schema and infrastructure are also welcome to share their expertise.
    Group chair serving as contact person
    Mike Hildreth
    Type of meeting
    Informative meeting
    Remote Access Instructions
    coming soon

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