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IG Research Data Management in Engineering – RDA 13th Plenary meeting

  • Creator
  • #134417

    (Remote Access Instructions)
    Collaborative session notes: 
    Meeting Location: Commonwealth C
    Meeting objectives
    It is planned to submit the IG charter to RDA for evaluation by the end of January 2019. 
    Depending on the result of the reviews the working meeting objectives are twofold:
    Case a) The IG is recognized and endorsed by RDA:
    *Election of co-chairs
    *Finding consensus on the most pressing data sharing challenges in engineering and founding of 
    according task-forces 
    Case b) The IG charter has been rejected or requires revision:
    *Revision of the charter for a second submission
    Meeting agenda
    Case a) The IG is recognized and endorsed by RDA
    *Short introduction of the IG aims (10 minutes)
    *Identification of the most pressing data sharing challenges in engineering (60 minutes)
    – Discussion
    – Setting priorities
    – Launching of task forces & identification of contact persons
    *Election of co-chairs (20 minutes)
    – Introduction of the candidates
    – Election
    Case b) The IG charter has been rejected or requires revision:
    *Short introduction of the IG aims (chair, 10 minutes)
    *Summary of TAB comments (10 minutes)
    *Discussion of revision topics for a second submission (45 minutes)
    *Identification of contributors and development of an action plan (25 minutes)
    Short description
    At P12 in Gaborone, Botswana, a first session has been organized to foster the discussion about data sharing and research data management challenges in engineering. With more than 40 persons the meeting room was crowded demonstrating a huge interest in this topic (see additional links below). Due to the sprotive short time span between P12 and the deadline for P13 session proposals the charter of IG engineering will be finalized and submitted after this session proposal.

    Engineering refers to many different sub-disciplines that share a close working relationship with industry and the pursuit of competitive advantage. Through this focus, open data and data sharing play a subordinate role, which also affects other disciplines. In order to break up the existing community-specific data silos and set a basis to provide data tools as a service, this proposed “IG Research Data Management in Engineering” (IG RDM4Eng) BoF provides the opportunity to bring together industry, science and other stakeholders.
    In the BoF proposal for P12, we already addressed two challenges in engineering as an example: contractual or task-oriented research carried out with industrial stakeholders. This includes, in particular, contract research and its associated privacy and security concerns, and the important role of software and source code as ‘research data types’ within the engineering sector.
    These aspects are illustrated by two described use cases and represent possible task forces:
    1) Use case privacy and security in engineering data management: Given the lack of legal national and international harmonisation of scientific and industrial data protection and access, different approaches, contracts (e.g. non-disclosure agreements) and protocols will have to be accessed and compared in order to improve the FAIRness of engineering research data. For mission oriented research, scientists may have to be pointed to possibilities to get access to legal advice as well as appropriate contract templates for the planning and executing of FAIR best practices in research data management in the case of mission oriented research.
    2) Use case coding base & project data: Analyze the use of software source code repositories such as GitHub and GitLab by the engineering sector and identify common needs and best practices, such as a centralized GitLab/GitHub framework with comparable best practices and shared standards for computational engineering and software management. In addition to software management, this use case identifies workflows and services to facilitate, standardize and harmonize the transfer of engineering project results (e.g., an architectural engineering example) into a broader FAIR knowledge base. Currently, outcomes of such projects, data results and accompanying repositories, are usually listed on discovery platforms such as However, as a rule, these should be also distributed in the emerging FAIR assessment platforms and tools such as
    Additional links to informative material
    IG Charter proposal (currently under revision)
    P12 BoF session description
    P12 BoF session meeting notes

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