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Bof – Using and enriched metadata to enable/boost FAIRness on research resources – RDA 13th Plenary meeting

  • Creator
  • #134420

    Mingfang Wu

    Meeting title:  Using and Enriched Metadata to Enable/Boost FAIRness on Research Resources (Remote Access Instructions)
    Collaborative session notes:
    Meeting Location: Congress C
    Meeting objectives
    Research Schemas, a proposed extension of, aims to be a community initiative to promote the use of and related efforts for research data discoverability and accessibility.
    The goal of this meeting is to create a plan proposal to establish “Research Schemas” as a community and as a formal RDA working group expanding on the objectives so far proposed by the RDA DDPIG Schema TF Proposal. During this BoF we will evaluate and discuss what this group should achieve and how. At the end of the BoF we aim to have a draft plan defining the scope, purpose, priorities, responsibilities and timelines, as well as an engagement and communication strategy for the RDA Research Schemas working group.
    Meeting agenda
    Presentation (~50 minutes)

    Introduction to the BoF and what we would like to get out of the BoF (Nick Juty)
    Current practices in working on Schemas to describe research datasets

    Bioschemas: Leyla Garcia Castro/Elixir Lab,
    GeoScience Schemas: Adam Shepherd/WHOI BCO-DMO)

    A mapping tool from metadata to (Josef Hardi, John Graybeal/Standford BMIR)
    Survey report (Mingfang Wu/ARDC)
    Plan for a working group (Mingfang Wu/ARDC) 
    Group discussion

    Discussion (~40 minutes)

    Structured open discussion focused on case statement of the WG 
    Actions on future activities

    Short Description
    Application of for data discovery has been discussed in various DDP IG sessions since P11. Please see the additional links section for detail. 
    RDA page:
    Additional links to informative material
    * Initial proposal coming out of P11
    * Presentation given in DDP IG session at P11
    * Presentation and workshop from DDP IG session at P12
    * Task force proposal (including notes from two online conference calls)

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