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BoF – Practical Solutions for FAIRifying Domain Data – RDA 13th Plenary meeting

  • Creator
  • #134413

    Leah McEwen

    Meeting objectives
    1- Review existing domain specific data formats that need additional metadata to enable data files to be FAIR and transferrable/exchangeable/interoperable between data stores/systems/applications 
    2- Outline minimum metadata requirements targeted for end users to enable existing domain specific data files to be implemented consistent with the recommendations of the GO-FAIR initiative 
    3- Refine proposed WG draft case statement (to be posted soon):
    “FAIR Metadata Extension for Domain Specific Data Files” 
    Meeting agenda
    1- Introduction to the topic [5 mins]
    2- Review of use cases in Chemistry [15 mins]
    3- Review of recent workshops on FAIRify domain data [10 mins]
    4- Review of other domain use cases [20 mins]
    5- Review of expert initiatives [15 mins]
    6- Preview outline metadata requirements [10 mins] 
    7- Preview WG case statement draft [10 mins]
    8- Wrap-up and closing [5 mins]
    Short description
    Long long ago, before the Cloud was a castle in the air, a text based file format was developed to facilitate the exchange of specific data types between many proprietary instruments and data systems. It was an exemplar of the time, an authoritative domain standard that addressed several relevant experimental methods and measurement techniques, compatible with a variety of media and storage types and deployed across several community sectors. Fast forward a few decades to the brave new world of Big Data and globally driven data science, the venerable format needs to be upgraded to modern expectations. Is the model extensible to incorporate the ranks of emerging PIDs, classification schema, and current licensing? How do busy bench scientists, publishers, librarians and other accidental data scientists augment domain specific data files with the right metadata to FAIRify their data and satisfy funder requirements? Is it feasible for data users and compilers to wrap the many millions of existing data files with the necessary metadata to enable interoperability? 

    The Chemistry IG is hosting this BoF discussion at the 13th RDA Plenary in Philadelphia to engage other domain and expert groups and explore these questions. The goal is to launch a WG effort on formulating FAIR metadata extensions and guidance for domain specific data files that target end-users and other support roles increasingly involved in publishing and sharing machine readable data. We aim to build on the emerging outcomes of many expert groups in RDA and other initiatives to incorporate these best practices into a suite of concise, pre-packaged metadata approaches. The session will review existing domain specific data files and outcomes from several preceding workshops looking at FAIR data in domain contexts, including Chemistry, Earth Science and other fields. Outcomes will include straw-people to engage broader community input as well as some opportunities for domain-based pilot implementation projects. If you and/or researchers you support face similar challenges in FAIRifying existing data practices, please consider to contribute use cases in your domain to the session planning and participate in the discussion in April. See you in Philly! 
    Additional links to informative material
    Chemistry IG
    Recent Workshops: 
    – Amsterdam, July 2018
    – Alexandria, February 2019
    – Orlando, March 2019

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