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PID Kernel Information WG: Aug 31 meeting

  • Creator
  • #137588

    RDA PID Kernel Information VC – Aug 31 – notes


    • Structural metadata: Is the KI in PID records the canonical/unique location for PID metadata? Suppose it is dangerous to *only* have it there

      • Leads to a normalization problem – the authoritative version may reside elsewhere.

      • So: Is PID record info just a cache for the structural metadata?

      • How are the other metadata categories covered?

      • Another argument against the KI in PID records as authoritative source is that this causes the (existing) permissions issues when others need to change PID records.

    • Larry: difference between repositories and registries is merely one of function. Thus, combination into a single software (cordra) that can act as one or the other

      • Provide access to object vs. registering

      • Does not prescribe a specific viewpoint on digital object – metadata relations; fairly low level

    • Granularity: proposition of Handles is that they can be assigned at lower level than DOI. does not preclude collection-building. The finest level we see is the DTR use of PIDs – assigning them to lowest level of things such as integers, units..


    • DOI experience

      • Push for a consistent body of what comes back from a DOI

      • Reg agency push back: not a lot of metadata should be put in that was considered less useful

      • Profile: what kind of DOI was this? Enable a 2 step process.

        • Software for this built and worked, but did not catch up. Not necessary for RAs to do their business – 1-to-1 redirection was sufficient.

        • New push with LD, movie industry usage …

      • What was the content of the profiles?

        • There was to be no minimal set, there would be several


    • Criteria for sorting out the profile contents:

      • Structural metadata perspective

      • Performance

      • Ulrichs notions: Workflow that ends with the decision-making, typing for yes-no-decisions – functional rather than semantic view

    • Does the combination of these give an answer to: is an object FAIR?

    • Can we make progress on these in the next weeks and put them up for comprehensive discussion at P10?

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