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Oct. 7 RDA & ESIP Physical Samples Webinar – Supporting Interdisciplinary Sample Data Discovery, Integration, and Reuse

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  • #100852

    Stephanie Hagstrom

    Hello RDA WG and IG members –
    We invite you to the upcoming RDA & ESIP Physical Samples Webinar – Supporting Interdisciplinary Sample Data Discovery, Integration, and Reuse on October 7, 2021 at 20:00 UTC. Read more and register here.
    May we please also ask for your help in promoting this webinar through your network. Listed below are ways you can help. We hope this will provide easy and fast ways for you to reach out to your colleagues who may also be interested in this webinar.
    LinkedIn – Open > and “like” and “share”
    Twitter – Open > and “like”, “retweet” and tag others you think would be interested in attending.
    Twitter – Copy the following, send from your Twitter account and attach this webinar promo artwork in your post:
    Mark your calendar for the joint RDA/ESIP Physical Samples Webinar – Supporting Interdisciplinary Sample Data Discovery, Integration, and Reuse hosted by RDA-US on October 7, 2021 at 20:00 UTC. @resdatall @esipfed
    We appreciate your help and look forward to seeing you at the webinar.
    Thank you.
    The RDA Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem IG
    The ESIP Physical Sample Curation Cluster
    Stephanie Hagstrom
    Director of Community Development


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