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PID Information Types session at P3

  • Creator
  • #138646

    The PID Information Types (PIT) Working Group (WG) plans to sketch out an initial framework (models and API specifications) for and demonstrate a proof of concept implementation of capabilities that associate an identifier with one or more related constellations of properties. We call these constellations “types”, which for example includes data citation information or management information relevant to data infrastructures. It is not the working group’s goal to define all types for all time, but to define a small number to test and refine a framework that
    can support additional work in the future. An RDA Interest Group (IG) on Persistent Identifiers has been approved to move this and related work forward in the longer term, beyond the 18-month life of this WG.

    In the plenary session, we will continue to work on the API specification, get agreement on the scope and granularity of API functionality, and gather concrete type examples. We will also establish an implementation team with the goal of completing the demonstrator ahead of the RDA Fourth Plenary and motivate overall adoption. Finally, plans must be set in motion to continue the long-term work after the termination of this WG. There are already a couple of promising ideas, which should be prioritized and coordinated with other activities.

    Session slot 1 (Wed, 13:30-15:00)


    • brief PIT scope overview and progress since P2
    • present current state of the API definition and receive additional feedback
    • present and discuss implementation plan and timing
    • provide update on and discuss possible adoption of RDA demonstrator platform

    Session slot 2 (Wed, 15:30-17:00)


    • discuss applications and identify practical examples from possible user communities that should be promoted together with the demonstrator
    • future relationship with other groups, RDA and external
    • discuss plans for adoption, including the mid- to long-term
    • RDA outputs policy and approval process, software licensing
    • discuss PIT termination and continuation of outcomes, gather first ideas for follow-up WGs

    Relevant material

    We encourage our participants to familiarize themselves with the latest state of our working documents. This includes:

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