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Toward a global and multi-disciplinary network of FAIR physical samples

  • Creator
  • #134184

    Collaborative Notes Link:…

    Welcome (10 minutes)

    Logistics & overview of session objectives 
    Welcome to new co-chair Esther Plomp, brief presentation on her award-winning essay

    Emerging or planned infrastructure and services projects for FAIR samples and collections – short presentations & discussion (40 minutes)

    Interoperable Enriched Specimen Information Models (Alex Hardisty)
    iSamples (Neil Davies)
    ESIP Samples Cluster (Val Stanley)
    IGSN 2040 (Sarah Ramdeen)
    AuScope Geochemistry Network (Alex Prent)
    Audience can contribute additional projects and initiatives that they are involved with not listed above
    Questions & discussion

    Harmonizing multi-disciplinary vocabularies for physical samples and collections (30 minutes)

    Introduction to the concept of a vocab agnostic system for samples (Lesley)
    Outcomes of the ESIP Plenary session “Proliferation of Vocabularies in Solid Earth, Space and Environmental sciences” (Sarah)
    Reports from other metadata mapping efforts (TBD)
    Audience participation to identify existing and emerging vocabularies
    propose ‘low-hanging fruit’ activity for harmonizing sample and collection vocabularies

    Synthesis and Next steps (10 minutes)


    Additional links to informative material
    Group Page
    Case Statement:
    IGSN 2040 announcement:
    Papers from the Linking Environmental Data and Samples Symposium, Canberra, May 2017 

    Beijing Declaration on Research Data:

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    ESIP/RDA Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    PID IG

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Kerstin Lehnert

    Meeting objectives
    This session will provide a forum for existing and emerging initiatives and projects related to physical samples in the research data ecosystem to update the community on their goals and activities, and to communicate, network, and coordinate with each other, with other RDA Interest Groups and RDA Working Groups, and with the broader research data community. The goal of this session is to converge on a shared vision and strategy for advancing discovery, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of material samples across domains for the benefit of science and society.
    Over the past 6 months several new projects and initiatives have started including: the proposed ESIP Samples Cluster, focused on curation aspects for physical samples in the Earth Sciences; iSamples, a project to build transdisciplinary cyberinfrastructure with services to identify and record metadata for material samples; collection metadata development efforts by GBIF and the USGS; and the IGSN 2040 project, which is developing a strategic plan and roadmap for the IGSN Global Sample Number in its mission of providing persistent, sustainable, and reliable PID services to the international science community. We will invite representatives of these efforts as panelists to discuss opportunities and challenges for networking and coordination and to engage with participants of the session in breakout groups. We will request the panelists to provide short pre-recorded presentations about their projects in order to save the time during the session for discussions of the panel and the audience.
    Vocabularies used to describe and categorize or classify physical samples are one of the topics that needs to be addressed through cross-disciplinary collaborative work. Metadata classes for samples widely overlap across disciplines, but vocabularies are often discipline-specific. As the use of samples in multi-disciplinary studies grows and discipline-agnostic services of identifying and cataloguing samples become prevalent, we need to create a structure, in which the different disciplinary vocabularies can be catalogued, accessed, managed, and mapped to common metadata classes. Building off of the work conducted during the ‘Proliferation of Vocabularies in Solid Earth, Space and Environmental sciences: Which one should I use and which ones can I trust?’ plenary at the ESIP Summer meeting [], we will engage the RDA community in how we harmonize multidisciplinary vocabularies to create a global network of physical samples.

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 3, Breakout 6, Breakout 8

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