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Physical Samples IG / ESIP Webinar series reminder and update

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  • #101336

    Esther Plomp

    Dear all,
    A reminder that in a week’s time we are hosting the first webinar in our series!
    The RDA Physical Samples and Collections IG and the ESIP Physical Sample Curation Cluster Group are together presenting a webinar series in 2021 and the first one, Supporting Reproducibility by Capturing Physical Sample Data and Metadata in a Connected Electronic Lab Notebook, will be held June 30, 2021 at 14:00 UTC. Please read more and register here.
    Looking forward to seeing you there!
    The next webinar in the series will be held on the 10th of August at 7 PM UTC by anita bandrowski. Please save the date!
    Hartelijke groeten/Kind regards,
    Dr. Esther Plomp-Peterson | she/her | Data Steward @ TNW, TU Delft (research support for data/code/Open Science)
    ***@***.*** | Room: 22.F131 | T 015-2781083
    Twitter | LinkedIn | ORCID |GitHub

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