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Invitation to join the ESIP Physical Samples Cluster mailing list

  • Creator
  • #102136

    RDA Admin

    Hello Everyone,
    The ESIP Physical Samples Cluster would like to invite you to join our
    community’s mailing list. The cluster is a forum for supporting physical
    samples in the earth, space, and environmental sciences which includes but
    is not limited to geological and biological samples. We will be using the
    mailing list to schedule monthly calls, to work on various cluster
    activities, and to share relevant materials.
    You can read more about the cluster on the ESIP wiki:
    Here is a link to the mailing list:
    The cluster was proposed at the ESIP summer meeting in 2020 and held its
    first official meeting in January of 2021. Here are links to the session
    descriptions which also include links to presentation slides and meeting
    notes. Summer 2020 – Winter 2021 –
    Please share this email with any others you think may be interested in
    joining the cluster.
    Thank you,

    Sarah Ramdeen, PhD

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