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Harmonising Citations, Acknowledgments and Credit for Physical Samples/Specimens in Scholarly Publications

  • Creator
  • #134013

    Lesley Wyborn

    Collaborative meeting notes:…

    0-5 Minutes (5 minutes): Introduction to group and sign on (Kerstin Lehnert)

    5-15 MInutes (10 minutes): Wrapping up the ‘23 things’ documment (Esther Plomp)

    15-30 MInutes (15 minutes max): Short presentations highlighting member activities  

    The concept of the separation of registration metadata from descriptive medata – who manages what? (Jens Klump)

    Metadata Schemas/systems available for giving “Credit where Credit is Due” (Lesley Wyborn)

    Space for members to speak

    30-70 Minutes (40 minutes): Joint activity with the ESIP Physical Samples Cluster (Sarah Ramdeen)

    This Cluster is currently working on author guidelines and recommendations for physical samples to help journals and publishers communicate expectations for authors. During this session, the cluster will share its progress to date and solicit feedback on their draft guidelines. 

    70-85 Minutes (15 minutes): Discussion on next steps for the IG 

    Continuing the joint ESIP/RDA webinar series? Future Possible Topics:

    Defining roles for credit related to samples; 

    Harmonising Descriptive Sample Metadata from multiple disciplines;

    Burning topics for the next Plenary?

    85-90 Minutes (5 minutes): Wrap up

    Additional links to informative material

    RDA & ESIP Physical Samples Webinar Series:

    Supporting Reproducibility by Capturing Physical Sample Data and Metadata in a Connected Electronic Lab Notebook – 30 June 2021

    RRIDs: A Way to Track Samples Through the Scientific Literature – 10 August 2021

    Supporting Interdisciplinary Sample Data Discovery, Integration, and Reuse – 07 October 2021

    23 things

    Group Page

    Case Statement:

    IGSN 2040 announcement:
    Papers from the Linking Environmental Data and Samples Symposium, Canberra, May 2017 

    Beijing Declaration on Research Data:

    ESIP: Vocabularies for rock type categories

    iSamples: High level vocabularies for cross domain physical sample indexing

    ESIP Physical Samples Cluster

    Sampling Nature RCN  

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Complex Citations Working Group

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Data Versioning IG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Lesley Wyborn

    Meeting objectives
    The focus of the P19 Plenary session of the RDA Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem Interest Group (PSACIRDE-IG) is on harmonising citation, acknowledgment and credit for physical samples and specimens in Scholarly Publications. Samples and specimen citation is a complex topic in publications, and has to also involve giving credit to and acknowledgment to those who either collected, curated and/or funded a physical sample/specimen. Currently journal editors have varying recommendations for referencing any physical sample/specimen cited in a research paper, and there are differing ways for both listing and positioning identifiers in a publication. Particularly where a research paper is underpinned by hundreds, if not thousands of samples/specimens most journals either do not or cannot provide enough space for listing all materials examined in a sufficiently detailed manner that the source of each sample referenced can be consistently cited and enable the creator/curator funder to be acknowledged 
    The objectives of this session is to raise awareness of: 

    Draft guidelines that have been developed by the ESIP Physical Samples Cluster for proper and consistent citation in a publication that can make samples/specimens more accessible for reuse, and help support the reproducibility; and

    Preliminary work on giving credit and acknowledgements to those who collected, managed, curated and/or funded any sample/specimen during its lifecycle starting at its creation/collection through to its curation/preservation in a trustworthy repository.

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 2, Breakout 6

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