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FW: National PID Strategies WG meeting options 5/6 June 2023

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  • #97872

    Christopher Brown

    Dear All,
    Just a reminder that the National PID Strategies Working Group meeting is today and tomorrow (UTC).
    The agenda is below and there’s a link to the shared notes document. The Zoom links are in the calendar invites. We’ll be discussing the group’s outputs, why we’re continuing as an interest group (you can see the charter and join here), and plans for Plenary 21.
    Natasha has already sent an update on the group’s deliverables, but you can access the guide and checklist, as well as the 9 case studies, in this shared folder.
    If you have any questions please just let me know.
    (on behalf of co-chairs Natasha Simons, Daniel Bangert and Shawna Sadler)
    – Show quoted text -From: Christopher Brown
    Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 10:38 AM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: National PID Strategies WG meeting options 5/6 June 2023
    Dear working group members,
    First of all, welcome to new members who have recently joined the group. We now have 70 members!
    Our next and final meeting of the working group will be run at the following times to accommodate different time zones:
    * Monday 5th June 2023 20:00-21:00 UTC (option 1)
    * Tuesday 6th June 2023 06:00-07:00 UTC (option 2)
    Attached to this email are two separate calendar invites. Please accept the invite for your preferred meeting time.
    As the working group will officially come to an end on the 10th June 2023, we’d like to focus in this meeting on the outputs from the group and plans for continuing as an interest group. The draft agenda is as follows:
    * Introduction and summary from co-chairs
    * Outputs from the WG
    * National PID Strategies Guide
    * National PID Strategies Checklist
    * 9 completed case studies
    * From WG to IG (why we will continue as an interest group)
    * Plenary 21 Session (submission deadline 23:59 UTC on Friday, 09 June, 2023)
    Details are in the agenda and shared notes document.
    The Zoom link for each meeting can be found in the relevant calendar invite.
    Christopher Brown
    Product manager
    T 020 3006 6072
    M 07891 501177
    Twitter @chriscb
    3rd Floor, 15 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BW
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