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For review: Final WG outputs

  • Creator
  • #97894

    Natasha Simons

    Hi everyone,
    Our National PID Strategies WG is due to submit final outputs by 10 June.
    Your co-chairs have been working hard to deliver these outputs and we are
    pleased to be able to share them with you. The WG outputs comprise:
    1. GUIDE and CHECKLIST: Pathways to National PID Strategies
    2. CASE STUDIES (9 collected)
    You can access all of the above documents in this public G drive folder
    I have also attached the combined Guide and Checklist document for those
    who have trouble accessing the Google drive.
    We will have two WG meetings next week Monday/Tuesday that covers timezones
    in the northern and southern hemispheres. These meetings are an opportunity
    for you to contribute your thoughts and suggestions on the outputs prior to
    Finally, as discussed at the last RDA Plenary meeting, we are transitioning
    into an Interest Group. The IG is under review and awaiting RDA
    endorsement. You can read the draft IG Charter and sign up to be a
    member at:
    Thanks to you all for your contributions to the WG activities to date. We
    hope to see you at one of next week’s WG meetings.
    (on behalf of co-chairs Chris Brown, Daniel Bangert and Shawna Sadler)
    Natasha Simons
    Associate Director, Data & Services
    Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)
    M +61 411 325 295


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