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Developing a ‘how-to’ guide for National PID Strategies

  • Creator
  • #134034

    Christopher Brown

    Collaborative meeting notes:…

    Co-chairs – welcome and introductions (5 mins)
    Review of the first 6 months and progress of the WG (5 mins)
    Short (5 mins) presentations of the case studies of national PID strategies or approaches (completed/in progress) (30 mins)

    Australia – Natasha Simons
    United Kingdom – Christopher Brown
    Canada – Mark Leggott
    Netherlands – Gül Akcaova
    Finland – Jessica Parland-von Essen
    Korea KISTI – Jayhoon Kim

    Case studies Q&A (10 mins)
    Draft national PID strategies guide (15 mins)
    Progress updates from countries represented in the working group (5 mins)
    Discussion and Q&A (20 mins)

    Summaries from each country’s national PID strategy were presented at the RDA Plenary 17 National PID Strategies BoF and updates provided at the RDA VP18 WG meeting: Aligning and coordinating national PID strategies. In this session, progress updates will be focussed on the guide, the case studies, and those countries represented in the working group.

    Additional links to informative material
    Draft guide:
    National PID Strategies Working Group Output – Guide
    Case Studies:
    Australia case study – National PID Strategies
    UK case study – National PID Strategies
    Canada case study – National PID Strategies
    Netherlands case study – National PID Strategies
    Finland case study – National PID Strategies
    Korea KISTI case study – National PID Strategies
    The case for investment in a UK persistent identifier strategy
    UK PID Consortium: Cost-Benefit Analysis report
    Research Data Canada’s 2016 Unique Identifiers Report, and 2021 Revision (in active edit mode).

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    PID IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    GORC International Model WG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Christopher Brown

    Meeting objectives

    Highlight the work done in the first 6 months of the working group
    Review the draft National PID Strategies guide – the first output of the working group
    Present the case studies of national PID strategies from a number of countries that form part of the guide
    Hear updates from a number of countries on their progress of developing a national PID strategy


    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 4

    Privacy Policy

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