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REMINDER: National Data Service Consortium Workshop – April 4-6, 2016

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  • #122843

    All, just wanted to bring to everyone’s attention the next U.S. National Data Service workshop coming up in April. One of the aims of this workshop will be to highlight a number of the U.S. software/tools efforts that would be components of a National Data Service.
    Kenton McHenry, Ph.D.
    Senior Research Scientist, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
    Deputy Director of the Scientific Software & Applications Division
    National Center for Supercomputing Applications
    Click here to see this online
    [National Data Service]
    5th National Data Service
    Consortium Workshop
    April 4-6, 2016
    HOTEL BLOCK: Sheraton Chapel Hill Hotel – Deadline is Friday, March 18th
    The National Data Service (NDS) Consortium meeting will be held April 4-6, 2016 at RENCI in Chapel Hill, NC.
    This is the fifth in our series of workshops aimed at building a national infrastructure for sharing, publishing, and re-using data. The NDS ( builds on the data archiving and sharing efforts already underway within specific communities and links them together with a common set of tools designed to facilitate discovery and re-use of science data. With the organizational aspects of the NDS Consortium now complete, the emphasis of this meeting will be on planning our next series of activities, for which we are currently seeking contributions.
    Monday April 4, will feature a special tutorial for NDS Labs developers. During the tutorial, we will go over the NDSLabs architecture and then hands-on use of the developers environment, use the command line interface, GUI, and REST API to create project spaces, deploy services, modify services, and tear them down. We then plan to go over how a developer might work against these deployed services, e.g. interact with the underlying system, monitor logs, etc. and lastly we will build a simple service, test it, deploy it, and add it to a service catalog.
    On Monday there will also be opportunities for pilot project teams and other committees to meet, develop, and plan for ongoing activities. If you are interested in reserving a meeting space, please send an email to ***@***.***.
    The plenary program starts on the second day, April 5 and our theme will be The National Data Service (NDS) and the Science Data Ecosystem. The organizing committee is now contacting leaders in the research data community for plenary presentations. The goals for the plenary and breakout session are:
    * Showcase new services in NDS Labs and provide an update on future development plans
    * Provide updates from pilot projects currently working in NDS Labs, and develop plans and activities for the duration of the pilots.
    * Discuss potential future pilot projects proposed by participants.
    * Surveying the state of the art with science data consortia, initiatives, and partnerships.
    See the program here:
    Please join us on our shared adventure to advance science through the share and reuse of data.
    Mercè Crosas,
    Member, NDS Consortium Steering Committee
    Chief Data Science and Technology Officer, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University
    To be removed from this list, please contact: ***@***.***

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