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Refining the agenda for Saturday’s meeting of the NDS interest group

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  • #121020

    Kevin Ashley

    You will all have seen earlier requests from my co-chairs, Kathleen and
    Adrian, to complete country profiles and/or say if you wish to present
    at our interest group session (0900 Saturday morning, in case you had
    You may also know that, in their absence, it will be just me chairing
    the meeting. I want to firm up the agenda now and decide how long each
    speaker will have. We only have 20 minutes allocated for what are described
    as ‘lightning talks’, which traditionally are 3 minutes with at most one slide.
    I won’t be strict about the number of slides, but will be strict with time.
    So far, I know of requests to present from:
    Ville Tenhuner, Finland
    Linda Naughton, UK
    Kenton McHenry, USA
    Mark Leggot, Canada
    We can accommodate a handful more. If you intend to talk and are not
    on that list, let me know by 5pm Denver time today. Also, please get
    your slides to me by midnight tonight. I don’t want to waste time
    fiddling around with memory sticks tomorrow morning. Thank you to those
    who have already sent me their material.
    We can have more than one talk per country; it’s clear that many
    countries have multiple infrastructure providers at present. Part
    of our discussion will be about the suitability of the current template
    for capturing what we need to know.
    The agenda for the morning is here:
    I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning.

    Kevin Ashley. Director, Digital Curation Centre
    E: ***@***.*** @kevingashley
    T: +44 131 651 3823 P: DCC,Old College (2.312),South Bridge,Edinburgh EH8 9YL
    M: +44 7817 402 498 DCC Helpdesk: +44 131 651 1239
    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
    Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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