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National Data Services IG – Meeting at P5

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  • #138311

    Stefanie Kethers

    National Data Services IG meeting held at P5 in San Diego, on Monday, 9 March, 13:00-14:00


    Adrian Burton, Amir Aryani, Linda Naughton, Rob Pennington, Iris Alfredsson, Kathy Fontaine, Ingrid Dillo, Andrew Treloar, Ray Plante, Kevin Ashley, Ed Seidel, Damien Lecarpentier, Robert Hanisch, John Towns, Mark van de Sanden, Giuseppe Fiameni, Robert Chadduck, Stefanie Kethers
    • Having a group of National Data Services was seen as a good idea in general, and RDA seems a good place for it.
    • The group will need to look more closely at relationships with the Large Scale Data meeting held on Sunday and the Wednesday meeting.
    • The group also needs to avoid overlap with other groups, in particular we need to look at Domain Repositories IG, Data Fabric IG.
    • Also should create a “scan” of what national data services there are, and  to identify components that make sense to do nationally.
    • It was suggested to have a workshop to look at what to do in more detail at P6 in Paris.
    • It is good to have a “peer group” of national data services. The group should also look at exchanging more than just information, e.g.  using / exchanging / adopting data, metadata, services, etc.
    • Could be useful to develop a typology of data services , e.g. looking at the following dimensions: National dimension, discipline dimension, services dimension. E.g., some countries are relatively small and focus on one national data service, whereas others may have a consortium of data services.
    • It could also be useful to look at how long national data services have been around for (starting up / well-established)
    • What national data services are missing from this group? Denmark (starting up), Germany (not one national service as such – Helmholtz, plus possibly 3 other organisations), Norstore (Norway,, China.

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