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Heads Up for RDA National Data Services IG

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  • #123665

    Adrian Burton

    Hi all,
    Just a heads up on the activities of the proposed RDA National Data
    Services IG over the next little while. There are lots of plans for
    activity in 2016!
    Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre in the UK, has kindly
    agreed to be a co-chair for the group.
    The charter
    the group has been updated based on your feedback from last year. It will
    be submitted to the RDA next week, and the first step there will be
    community consultation.
    We will organise a phone hookup in the first week of February to plan the
    information gathering exercise for the following two questions that were
    identified in Paris:
    – “what services might be offered by national data services?”
    – “what kind of organisational and governance models do national data
    services use?”
    We plan to run one hookup monthly which we will alternate between times for
    US, EU/Africa, and Asia and Australasia.
    We have applied for a session at the Tokyo plenary. We plan to really get
    into addressing those two questions there and setting up the grass roots
    information gathering framework. There is also a proposed joint session
    with the Data Fabric IG (who are seeing a lot of the
    functions identified in the data fabric as being delivered through national
    and regional data services).
    During this year we may also look at some half day, more in-depth, “look
    under the hood” information sharing sessions between those interested in
    establishing national data services to perhaps start to tease out shared
    If you have any ideas, don’t hesitate.

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