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Transition to the Metadata Standards Catalog WG

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  • #123534

    Alex Ball

    Dear WG members,
    We are happy to confirm that the RDA Council has formally Recognized and Endorsed the Metadata Standards Catalog Working Group. Since the Catalog group is a follow-on to this Directory group, our activity and attention will now be directed entirely to the new group.
    As I result of this, I would urge you to do two things:
    * If you have not already done so, please do join the new group:…..
    * Please direct any messages you have, whether announcements, discussion points or suggestions, to the mailing list for the Catalog group, not this Directory list.
    We would like to thank you for taking part in the development of our first-phase Metadata Standards Directory, and we hope you will join us in developing it further into a machine-actionable Catalog.
    Alex Ball, Keith Jeffery, and Rebecca Koskela
    On 27/05/15 17:20, rkoskela wrote:
    Dear WG members,
    In addition to our request for comments on the case statement for the Metadata Standards Directory Catalog Working Group (, we also invite you to join the WG (….). Although the Metadata Standards Directory Catalog WG is a follow-on to the Metadata Standards Directory WG, members of the original WG and the other metadata Interest Groups are not automatically added so please join the new group so that we can stay in touch with you.
    Rebecca Koskela, Keith Jeffery, and Alex Ball

    Alex Ball
    Research Data Librarian
    University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
    T: +44 1225 383668

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