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Remote participation for Metadata at P9

  • Creator
  • #119350

    Rebecca Koskela

    The Metadata sessions will have remote participation if the times work for
    you – the information is at the bottom of the agenda page for each of the
    sessions – just click on the links below to navigate to each of the agendas
    Here are the metadata sessions at P9 – we hope to see you there:
    *5th April 2017 – RDA 9th Plenary Meeting – Day 1*
    11:30 – 13:00 Breakout 1
    Joint Session of WG Empirical Humanities Metadata, WG Metadata Standards
    Catalog: Establishing Protocols for Metadata in the Empirical Humanities

    Room MR8
    16:00 – 17:30 Breakout 3
    Joint Session of WG Metadata Standards Catalog, IG Metadata, IG Data in
    Context: Proposed RDA Metadata Recommendation for Interoperation

    Plenary Room
    *6th April 2017 – RDA 9th Plenary Meeting – Day 2*
    14:00 – 15:30 Breakout 6
    Joint Session of IG RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure
    Interoperability, WG International Materials Resource Registries, IG
    Chemistry Research Data, IG Research data needs of the Photon and Neutron
    Science community, IG Metadata: Enhancing Interoperability across
    Chemistry, Materials Science, and Photon/Neutron domains through Metadata
    and Vocabulary

    Room MR8
    Joint Session of IG Data Rescue, IG Domain Repositories, IG Metadata, IG
    Big Data, IG Ethics and Social Aspects of Data: Data Rescue

    Plenary Room
    *7th April 2017 – RDA 9th Plenary Meeting – Day 3*
    Joint Session of IG Metadata, IG Data in Context: Evolving Metadata and the
    Metadata Lifecycle

    Plenary Room
    *​*Keith Jeff​ery
    Rebecca Koskela
    Executive Director, DataONE
    University of New Mexico
    1312 Basehart SE
    Albuquerque, NM 87106
    Email: ***@***.***
    Cell: (505) 382-0890
    Fax: (505) 246-6007

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