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Comments on the recommended set of metadata elements

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  • #120328

    Rebecca Koskela

    Keith and I are planning for RDA P9 in Barcelona and would like to have
    received comments on the metadata elements prior to the meeting in April.
    We would like to hear from the members of the metadata groups before
    sending this out to a wider audience, including the domain groups. If you
    have additional comments on the metadata element set please respond to this
    email by next week (Dec 22).
    Keith Jeffery
    Rebecca Koskela
    During and since the Amsterdam plenary the metadata groups – working
    together under the umbrella of MIG (Metadata interest Group) have followed
    a process leading to a recommended set of metadata elements for RDA
    community use. The process depended on:
    – Collection of use cases coordinated by DICIG (Data In Context Interest
    – Collection of schemes of existing metadata ‘standards’ by MSDWG
    (Metadata Standards Directory Working Group now transmuted into MSCWG
    (Metadata Standards Catalog WG);
    – Widespread discussions with various domain groups and technical groups
    in RDA;
    The proposed list of elements is:
    1. Unique Identifier (for later use including citation)
    2. Location (URL)
    3. Description
    4. Keywords (terms)
    5. Temporal coordinates
    6. Spatial coordinates
    7. Originator (organisation(s) / person(s))
    8. Project
    9. Facility / equipment
    10. Quality
    11. Availability (license, persistence)
    12. Provenance
    13. Citations
    14. Related publications (white or grey)
    15. Related software
    16. Schema
    17. Medium / format
    Please note that these are elements, not single-valued attributes. Most
    will have internal syntax (structure) and use of terms that require
    declared semantics. Also it is not exhaustive; it is expected that
    particular subject domains will have much greater lists of elements. This
    list is intended to be the recommend list of elements that should be
    provided by all within RDA to (a) permit discovery, (b) support
    contextualisation (assessment of relevance and value) and (c) facilitate
    action (interoperation including query and integration).
    This is a call for any final comments from the RDA community on the list,
    especially from newer groups that may not have been involved in the earlier
    The plan is to finalize the list at the Barcelona RDA plenary 9 (April
    2017) and start work on ‘unpacking’ the elements to an agreed syntax and
    semantics that can be (a) understood by humans (b) acted upon reliably by
    computer systems.
    Executive Director, DataONE
    University of New Mexico
    1312 Basehart SE
    Albuquerque, NM 87106
    Email: ***@***.***
    Cell: (505) 382-0890
    Fax: (505) 246-6007

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