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Survey on Caliper – Serving statistical classifications on the web

  • Creator
  • #102838

    Caterina Caracciolo

    ***** Apologies for cross-posting *****
    Dear all,
    You are warmly invited to take a survey on Caliper, a platform being developed by FAO to serve statistical classifications as open linked data.
    Caliper was born from the need to provide statistical classifications in open and standard formats, to enable their smooth use by humans and computers alike. In Caliper, you can look up for codes and correspondences, download them in different formats, and access online query services. As classifications are also given globally unique identifiers over the web, aka URIs [*], applications can access classifications “live”, online. All metadata is provided in machine readable formats; the platform includes facilities for classifications maintenance. Caliper is an adopter of the Agrisemantics recommendations.
    To find out about Caliper:
    Please have your say on Caliper and take this short survey:
    It only takes 3 minutes to complete!
    The survey will remain open until Wednesday November 11nd, 18:00 CET. Feel free to share it among interested colleagues.
    Best regards
    Caterina for The Caliper Team
    [*] Please note that the current URIs are for evaluation purpose only. They should NOT be taken as reference.

    Caterina Caracciolo, PhD
    FAO Statistics Division
    skype: catecara

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