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Re: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept

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  • #126774

    Stephen Richard

    I am definitely in the it’s a good idea camp on this question, and take it a little further to recommend some pretty specific best practices for how that minimum metadata should be encoded
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    —– Reply message —–
    From: “Gary”
    To: “Metadata IG”
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Date: Sat, Feb 28, 2015 8:19 AM
    One of the issues discussed at a recent RDA outreach workshop was how people felt about “minimal metadata.”
    Some cautioned that it is potentially a bad idea, while a pluratity seemed in favor of it and could point to good outcomes using .
    An example provided at the workshop was that of the Dataset Descriptions: HCLS Community Profile discussed by Michel Dumontier (Stanford). The idea here is to:
    Develop a guidance note for reusing existing vocabularies to describe datasets with RDF – Mandatory, recommended, optional descriptors – Identifiers – Versioning – Attribution – Provenance – Content summarization * Recommend vocabulary-linked attributes and value sets
    We were perhaps more uniform on the idea expressed by NIST’s Bob Hanisch that maximum MD causes a problem since people won’t “use it.”

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