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RDA P21 @ IDW 2023 – Notification of Conditional Acceptance

  • Creator
  • #97650

    Dear Chairs of the Metadata IG
    Your RDA P21 session application titled Structuring Semantic Information with Respect to Conventional Metadata (Syntactic) Structures has been conditionally approved, subject to you incorporating the following changes provided in the feedback below:
    TAB would like you to provide more clarity on the meeting objectives and also indicate the time allocated for talks and discussion.
    A revised version of your application should highlight the suggested modifications and be sent to ***@***.*** by close of business Thursday, 27th July.
    Key dates to keep in mind:
    * Draft programme to be published on Friday, 28 July
    * P21 programme will be deemed final by Tuesday, 22 August
    Your revised application will be reviewed within one week of receipt and the final decision will be communicated to the group.
    If you have any questions please contact ***@***.***, or your TAB liaison, {INSERT TAB LIAISON NAME(s)}
    Best regards,
    RDA Secretariat

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