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Progressing the Element Set

  • Creator
  • #134189

    Rebecca Koskela


     Progress to date on Metadata Standards Catalog and the elements

     Current work in groups including survey results

     Unpacking one or more of the high priority elements by the attendees

     Plenary for report back

     Next steps

    Additional links to informative material
    Metadata Interest Group:
    Metadata Elements:

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    FAIR Digital Object Fabric IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    ESIP/RDA Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences IG

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Rebecca Koskela

    Meeting objectives
    MIG has proposed metadata ‘packages’ for the commonly required purposes; a ‘package’ consists of elements (attributes or data structures) the values of which relate to the unique identity of the dataset or record (instance).  To assure machine processing a formal syntax and declared semantics are required, and the packages must exhibit referential and functional integrity as well as human readability. The objective of this meeting is to progress the element set by unpacking the individual elements through work with other groups.

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 3, Breakout 5, Breakout 7

    Privacy Policy

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