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Metadata for FAIR Data

  • Creator
  • #134316

    Rebecca Koskela

    Collaborative session notes:

    Welcome, Introductions, and Review Objectives of the Meeting

    Metadata Standards Catalog WG Update on Maintenance

    Update on Metadata Element Set (

    Metadata needed for FAIR Data

    Requirements from FAIR Data Maturity Model WG

    FAIRSharing Registry  – Susanna-Assunta Sansone and Pete McQuilton

    ESIP/AGU/RDA Enabling FAIR Data Coordination Group – Lesley Wyborn

    Discussion on alignment of Element Set and Metadata needed for FAIR Data

    Next Steps


    1. First group option
    FAIR Data Maturity Model WG

    Additional links to informative material
    Metadata Interest Group: 
    Data in Context Interest Group:
    Metadata Standards Catalog Working Group:
    Use Cases:
    Metadata Elements:

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

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    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The Metadata Interest Group (MIG) serves as an umbrella group for all aspects of metadata for research data. In particular, it coordinates the efforts of the Working Groups concerned with metadata to provide a coherent approach to metadata.  MIG focuses on all aspects of metadata for research data including data discovery, contextualtization, validation, analytical processing, and interoperation.  Previous activities of MIG include Metadata Principles, the Metadata Standards Directory WG, a collection of use cases, and the Metadata Standards Catalog WG. Descriptions of these activities can be found on the MIG web page ( The current topic that the Metadata Interest Group is working on is the definition of the metadata element set intended to become a RDA recommendation. The Metadata Standards Catalog Working Group (MSCWG) is now in maintenance mode and maintains a machine-readable catalog of metadata standards to encourage re-use and increased harmonization among the communities. The Data in Context  Interest Group (DICIG) deals with use cases and harmonizing terminology for contextual metadata to encourage interoperation. 

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Rebecca Koskela

    I declare that I have informed the chairs of all the Working / Interest groups included in this joint meeting application.

    Meeting objectives
    Metadata is a critical component of the RDA vision for researchers and innovators to openly sharing data across technologies, disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society. Metadata is also a core component of FAIR data. Other Interest Groups and Working Groups have asked the Metadata Interest Group to help define what metadata is needed to enable FAIR data.
    The objectives of this joint session are:

    Present the current status of the Metadata Standards Catalog and activities involved in a maintenance group;
    Present the current status of the metadata element set and find leads for elements that do not currently have one
    Respond to the requests from other groups on what is meant by “rich” metadata
    Coordination among the metadata groups and domain groups

    Privacy Policy

    Target Audience
    Anyone interested in metadata to achieve the objectives of RDA; specifically, people from domain and infrastructure groups wishing to utilize metadata for their purposes. Members of RDA metadata groups other than Metadata IG, Data in Context IG, and the Metadata Standards Catalog WG who are interested in the goals of the various RDA metadata Interest Groups and Working Groups.

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