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Fwd: [rda-biosharing-wg] Standards Information Resource (life sciences) – Invitation to contribute

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  • #126292

    To the metadata IG members, kindly see below; it may be of interest to
    you too.
    ——– Forwarded Message ——–
    Subject: [rda-biosharing-wg] Standards Information Resource (life
    sciences) – Invitation to contribute
    Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 17:44:33 +0100
    From: SAS
    To: The BioSharing Registry: connecting data policies, standards &
    databases in life sciences
    Dear WG members,
    our proposed activity is still under review, but meanwhile the work has
    progressed and will continue. Recently, we asked the opinion of
    BioSharing Advisory Group members on the suitability of three basic
    questions about how BioSharing is perceived and how they envision its
    use. The set of responses we have received has helped us create a
    questionnaire whose purpose is to let us know which enhancements are
    most important.
    Please could you take a few minutes to answer few questions, so that we
    can prioritize our improvements to BioSharing’s capabilities as a
    Standards Information Resource, in a way most appropriate to your
    Finally, feel free to share this with other groups or mailing lists that
    may be interested in contributing.
    The BioSharing Operational Team

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