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Long Tail Interest Group meeting agenda – Berlin

  • Creator
  • #111936

    Hi RDA Long Tail Interest Group members
    As you know, the next RDA meeting will take place on March 21-23, 2018 in Berlin, Germany
    The Long Tail Interest Group session will take place on Wednesday, 21st March 2018 from 14:00 – 15:30
    The topic for the session is “integration and interoperability of long tail data”. The aim of the discussion is to generate ideas and discuss good practices for linking up and breaking down silos across data sets and data repositories.
    The agenda is copied below.
    Please send me a message (m.kathleen.shearer(at) if you want to prepare a short presentation about your current practices, existing challenges, or put forward new ideas. This will be a participatory session and we want your input.
    On behalf of Wolfram and myself, we look forward to seeing you in Berlin.
    Best, Kathleen
    -Brief introduction of previous work
    -Discussion and presentations about data interoperability and integration
    -Chair rotation and new chair(s)

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