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Agenda for the Long Tail of Research Data Interest Group

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  • #128147

    Agenda for the Long Tail of Research Data Interest Group
    Tuesday September 23, 2014
    De Meervaart Conference Centre
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    1. Case studies: environments that encourage deposit and use of repositories by the research community (2pm-3:30pm- may run over to the next session)

    Veerle Van den Eynden, Incentives for sharing research data; Knowledge Exchange & UK Data Archive
    Stefan Kramer, American University, US
    Dimitris Koureas, Natural History Museum London, UK
    Amy L. Nurnberger, Columbia University, US
    Kerstin Lehnert, Integrated Earth Data Applications, US
    Jochen Schirrwagen, Bielefeld University, Germany

    2. Business models (4pm-4:45pm):

    Group Discussion- What are the value propositions, services provided, and revenue models for managing data

    3. What work do we want to pursue in the context of this IG? (4:45-5:30)
    For more information, please contact Kathleen Shearer,

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