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[REMINDER] Survey: Knowledge and practices around Open Science and research data management in linguistics

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  • #97326

    Dear all,
    Last week, we sent a link to a survey that we’ve been working on for some time, on knowledge and practices around open science and research data management in linguistics.
    This is the final pilot phase before the survey is launched to the wider community.
    We thank those who have already completed the survey, and we encourage the rest of you to have a look at it, if you have time.
    The more feedback we get now, the better the final survey will be, which in turn is important for the quality of the results.
    Link to the survey:
    We will look at the results and comments next week, so the deadline for participating in the pilot is Monday 2 October 23.59 CEST (UTC +2).
    We wish you a nice day!
    Helene & Lindsay
    Helene N. Andreassen, PhD
    Senior Academic Librarian & Head of Library Teaching and Learning Support
    P: +47 77 64 57 35 | M: +47 922 80 245
    University Library
    UiT The Arctic University of Norway
    From: hna001 via Linguistics Data IG

    Date: Monday, 18 September 2023 at 22:14
    To: Linguistics Data IG

    Subject: [linguistics_data] Survey: Knowledge and practices around Open Science and research data management in linguistics
    Dear LDIG members,
    We are writing to you today to invite you to participate in a pilot survey we are developing in order to assess the needs of the linguistics community with regards to preserving and sharing linguistics research data. This survey is being developed in partnership with the EOSC Association’s Future Domain Ambassador Program.
    In particular, we are seeking to learn what educational resources are most needed by linguistics researchers to help them properly preserve and share their research data and engage in Open Science practices. The survey is expected to take between 15-20 minutes to complete, and is relevant to all career stages and all levels of technological skill.
    You can find the survey here:
    We ask that survey responses be completed before Monday October 2, as we will use the pilot survey responses to prepare our working session at the next RDA plenary. The RDA working session is scheduled on Thursday 26 October at UTC 07:00 – 08:30, in a hybrid format (open to registered participants only).
    In addition, we need help distributing the survey once the pilot phase is completed. If you are interested in helping, please send us an email (***@***.*** and ***@***.***).
    Thank you in advance for your time!
    Helene Andreassen and Lindsay Ferrara (LDIG co-chairs)

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